I liked this article because it was very unusual. It is very weird to hear about something like this because they are becoming more strict about this kind of stuff. It's interesting to hear about tarantulas getting mailed to the U.S. It's also very interesting to hear about somebody getting busted for sending them. And this is my opinion on this article.
This is a picture of a tarantula that went along with the article.
I got this article from an online resource. I got it from CNN News. Here is a link to the article: http://www.cnn.com/2010/CRIME/12/03/california.spider.importing/index.html?npt=NP1
When I worked at Busch Gardens we received some Flying Foxes that someone tried to smuggle into the country on an airplane. The rare pet trade, while illegal, does exist. I can't imagine paying that much for an arachnid that was sent through the mail though.