Saturday, March 26, 2011

BP1 QTR4: Women's History Month

     Women have a right to vote! The way they were treated during Women's Suffrage was inappropriate and disrespectful. Within the next paragraph you will be able to see some of the fights men had against women and their voting rights, they way i think Alice Paul would respond to the flyer and cartoon, and the barriers to full equality between women and men existing in American society and the obstacles.

     What were some of the primary arguments against suffrage for women? Of these, which seem most reasonable to you? Which seem most far-fetched? Some of the arguments are "BECAUSE Nebraska women are already enjoying a greater measure of protection and privilege under the laws than do women of any state where women vote", "BECAUSE the woman worker wants rest and quietude—not political excitement", "BECAUSE every reason supporting the claim of women to vote supports also the right of women to be consulted as to whether they shall or shall not be given the ballot". I don't think any of them were reasonable. All of them are completely wrong and don't make sense to me. I think the most far-fetched argument is "BECAUSE the woman worker wants rest and quietude—not political excitement". Women know how to handle their actions. They aren't going to get excited over politics!

     How do you imagine Alice Paul would respond to the cartoonist, the author of the flyer and the men in the photograph? I think Alice Paul would be very unhappy with the situation going on. Alice would handle it very calmly and continue to fight for her and other women's rights. I think she would be upset with the cartoonist, the author, and the men in the photograph. Alice would respond in a respectful, mature way to put her point out there with supporting them, and disagree with the cartoon and flyer.

     PAST  TO  PRESENTWhat barriers to full equality between women and men still exist in American society? What do you think accounts for these obstacles? For example, why do you think the United States has never had a female President? I think the barriers to full equality between women and men that still exist are women not getting elected to become president of the United States of America. I think accounts for these obstacles are men have more strength in our society and no body believes in women so they don't get elected. I think the reason why we have never had a female president is because the men and the people of our society don't believe in women and the ways they can contribute to our country. They believe that men can do the job better and have more strength in our country.

     In conclusion, the arguments the men made are very unreasonable, Alice Paul would have handled this situation very calmly and maturely, and the barriers to full equality are the fact that women don't get elected. Women have a right to vote and men shouldn't have a say, in my opinion. Alice Paul helped make these rights come true. You are able to see these points within this essay. And this is what I think about women's rights to vote, and this flyer.

Friday, March 4, 2011

BP4 QTR3: President's Day

        I think that they should rename President's Day to "George Washington's Day" because he was a wonderful man! You are able to see this within the two quotes. One of the quotes written by George Washington himself, and the other written by a citizen named Daniel Webster.

        George Washington quoted "In a word, I want an American character, that the powers of Europe may be convinced we act for ourselves and not for others; this is in my judgment, is the only way to be respected abroad and happy at home." This shows that George Washington cared for our country. He wants us to be independent and strong, just like our country. He helped make it to what it is today. That's why I think that Presidents' Day should be changed to "George Washington's Day".

        Daniel Webster quoted "Wherever men love liberty, wherever they believe in patriotism, wherever they exalt high character, by universal consent they turn to the name of George Washington. No occasion could be conceived more worthy, more truly and comprehensively American, than that which is chosen to commemorate this divinely 
appointed captain". This shows that others think the same thing I do. George washington was amazing. He is the father of our country. 

        In concluion, George Washington was great. He helped make our country to what is has become today; independent, strong, and treated with dignity. He is the father of our country! You are able to see his greatness within the two quotes included in this essay. And this is why I think President's Day should be renamed to "George Washington's Day".