This article is about Eva Longoria getting divorced and how her coworkers are sympathetic for the divorce. Eva's husband has been cheating. He has been having a "texting relationship" with Erin Barry. Eva was very upset and heartbroken when she found out. Her coworkers have been truly sympathetic towards Eva and they have been very helpful about the situation. Everybody on set has been trying to make sure that the filming of ' Desperate Housewives' goes as calmly as possible. Many of her close friends and family are going to be there for her during this rough time in her life.
My opinion on this article is changing. I liked this article, because I watch 'Desperate Housewives', so it is kind of neat to get to hear about what goes on on set. It's also very cool to get to know what goes on in her life and be updated on things like this. I didn't like to see how she was getting divorced. I don't like to see people unhappy, it makes me unhappy. That is my opinion on this article.
This is a picture of Eva Longoria on the set of 'Desperate Housewives'.